Mind Mint: School's in for summer.

Is there a skill or area of knowledge that you know you should have but don’t?

I’ve got a few of those; one is PowerPoint. Though I've worked on hundreds of speeches and presentations, I have only the most rudimentary slide creation skills. I’ve gotten away with this because my clients usually want a design professional creating their visuals. 
But I’m tired of not being able to put together a decent slide deck. And the knowledge I need is just a few clicks away. So with the help of YouTube, Microsoft tutorials, and perhaps a few PPT-savvy friends, I’ll be getting to know my way around PowerPoint this summer. 

To hold myself accountable, I’m committing to sharing my “final project,” a slide deck demonstrating my newly-learned skills, with all of you by mid-September. (I'll wait while you mark this important milestone in your calendar...!)

Is there something you’re ready to learn this summer? If so, let me know: summer school is more fun when you do it with friends! 

And for those of you who now have the song stuck in your head, here's a link to
School's Out by Alice Cooper.

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