Tears, not fears.
After losing to Carlos Alcaraz in the Men’s Finals at Wimbledon on Sunday, Novak Djocovik was interviewed at Centre (hey, that’s how they spell it) Court. Near the end of the interview, Djocovik acknowledged his young sons in the audience, bowed his head, and covered his eyes; he was obviously overcome with emotion and fighting back tears.
The crowd - moved by this great champion’s display of genuine emotion - burst into applause. It reminded me of the studio audience’s reaction whenever an SNL cast member “breaks character” (fancy term for starts cracking up) during a sketch.
Audiences savor these authentic moments of emotion. It’s as if we’re peeking through a crack in someone’s persona and witnessing an unexpected and very human moment.
I’m not suggesting that you start crying or laughing uncontrollably during your next presentation. But don’t be afraid to let your authentic self and real emotions show. Your audience, which I’m assuming is human, will appreciate your willingness to share your own humanity.