Worst. Movie. Ever.
One of life’s simple, reliable pleasures is getting lost in a great movie...one that makes us lose track of time, takes us on an emotional ride, and leaves us feeling great at the end, even if we can see the ending coming from a mile away (I’m looking at you, rom-coms).
While real life doesn’t unfold in tidy two-hour blocks, many aspects of our lives take on a familiar rhythm: school days and academic years...workdays and weekends. Beginnings, middles, ends. The familiar rhythms help us know where we are and what to expect next.
Then there’s COVID-19. This crisis has no rhythm. We’re not sure when it began, where we are in the story, or how it will end. We’re stuck in a shitty movie whose screenwriter should be fired and blacklisted.
One saving grace: each of our roles is unscripted. We can’t change the pacing or setting, but we get to choose what our “character” does. If we tighten the shot to focus on our parts, we can look back someday and say, “the movie was crappy, but I’m proud of my performance.”
Let's hope we get cast in a better film soon!