An even more inconvenient truth.

For many of us, An Inconvenient Truth was a wake-up call to the existential threat of climate change. I hope that a new Netflix documentary, The Great Hack, will serve as a wake-up call to what may be an even greater threat.

The film examines how Cambridge Analytica used our detailed personal data – much of it collected by that biggest app of all, Facebook – to help swing elections, including the 2016 US presidential election.

Why do I think the threat of using personal data to manipulate voters may be a bigger threat than climate change? Because we can’t address climate change, or any complicated issue, if we don’t have a functioning democracy. And it seems that democracy can’t withstand the use of big data for the micro-targeting voters.

The Great Hack helped me better understand the incredibly high price we’re paying for so-called “free” apps, news, and entertainment on the internet. Please, watch the film, and let’s start figuring out how to protect our data rights. The stakes could not be higher.

Gary FormanComment