Mind Mint: My new insurance broker.

Last fall, I switched my auto insurance to GEICO because they offered the lowest premiums. I'd gotten several higher quotes from an insurance broker that a friend recommended. Despite not getting my business, the broker – let’s call him Jack – offered to review GEICO’s quote for me.

He ended up suggesting changes that improved my coverage with minimal impact on the premium. This was the kind of service that I hadn’t been getting from my existing broker of 13 years.

So when my homeowners' insurance renewal arrived last week, I asked Jack if he was interested in helping me find a better policy. Cut to the happy ending: Jack found me much better coverage that saves me $800 per year. 

By going out of his way to be of service when he had nothing to gain financially, Jack ended up as my new broker, proving the point that being generous with our expertise is both good karma and good business. 

Gary FormanComment