Mind Mint: Born to Renew.

In a recent New York Times article about his Broadway show, Bruce Springsteen was asked whether performing the same material every night becomes repetitive. His response, in part:

“…you have to approach it not as a repetition but as a renewal. And to do that your spirit has got to be 100 percent present…it’s a new audience every night.”

Bruce’s performances are legendary, and his response offers some practical ideas for anyone who has to deliver the same message multiple times: it’s not about you; it’s about the audience. You’re there to give them something valuable.

It doesn’t matter if you’ve delivered this message before, or if they’ve heard it before. Your job is the same as Bruce’s: show up and approach this event as if it's your number one priority. Because while you're in front of these people, nothing's more important to you than reaching them.

Here's a live version of Jungleland. According to setlist.fm, Springsteen has performed this song live 641 times. Anytime I’ve seen it, he’s been 100% present and then some. 

And in case you were wondering, yes, I'll happily take those extra
Springsteen on Broadway tickets off your hands.

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